Parts Dashboard uses some components of Microsoft’s Office products. Unfortunately, Office has both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and it’s important to install the version of Parts Dashboard that matches the “bitness” of the version of Office that you have.
(If you don’t have any Office products installed, great, then just download the 32-bit version from our Download page and it’ll have everything you need.)
How do you know which version of Office you have? Follow these simple instructions.
The first step is to open any Office application, it doesn’t matter if it’s Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. For the newer versions of Office you’ll have to have a file open, but in Office 2010 you can just open the application on its own. Then see which of the following looks like the version of Office you have.
Office 2016
1. Open any Office file, or open any Office application and start a new file
2. Click on the File tab
3. Click on the Account option in the left-side menu bar. This will take you to the Account screen
4. Click on the About Word (or Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) button in the lower right of the Account screen
5. See which version of Office you are running
Office 2013
1. Open any Office file, or open any Office application and start a new file
2. Click on the File tab
3. Click on the Account option in the left-side menu bar. This will take you to the Account screen
4. Click on the About Word (or Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) button in the lower right of the Account screen
5. See which version of Office you are running
Office 2010
1. Open any Office application, or Office file
2. Click on the File tab
3. Click on the Help option in the left-side menu
4. See which version of Office you are running
Office 2007 and Earlier
Parts Dashboard does not actively support versions of Office 2007 or earlier, but you can still give it a try. We’d suggest the 32-bit version of Parts Dashboard.